Saturday, March 2, 2013

The Price of A Bargain, Readings and Documentaries

The most shocking thing to me was seeing how little Chinese workers are paid and how unethically these products are made. In America, we are used to wage, hour and labor laws and we are used to those laws being upheld. A lot of people do not realize that the jeans they bought were made by a 12 year old during a 15 hour shift with limited bathroom breaks. Wal-Mart has become the "China" of companies. They have excelled at supply-chaining, and they encourage global collaboration, and stay up-to-date on technology that allows them to be the most efficient company ever. Though I do think Wal-Mart customers should know where their products are coming from, it is in Wal-Mart's best interest not to tell them. It is not the customer's responsibility to change how Wal-Mart manufactures their products. However, there has been customer backlash over the last decade or so upon learning that the products they bought were made in, well, un-American conditions. And rather than standing up for these workers' rights, they have been continually lazy about actually forcing Wal-Mart to make a change.

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